Coffee Enemas....what, why, how!


Detox can be a divisive word. But, whilst our bodies are more than capable (mostly) of detoxing us, and clearing out or systems, there are many reasons why some of us will suffer with problems that slow those processes down. Not to mention the fact that in our current climate we are surrounded by an unprecedented amount of toxins, from what we put in our mouth to what we put on our skin, to the air we breath.

As we eat and digest foods everyday, and as we go about our daily lives, there may be certain things you don’t digest as well as others, there will be a build up of all of the toxins you are taking on board that you body isn’t able to expel properly. All of and this can build up and create reside in your gut. Making sure we can eliminate all that build from our colon is so important. Whatever is left behind, undigested, will build up and become toxic in our systems and the longer it sits there the more chance there is your body will reabsorb those toxins, so we need to get that shit out!

Enemas are one way to really help support these systems and good digestive health is the key to sorting many other problems and improving our general wellbeing.

The thought of enemas is sure to split the crowd. Some people are curious, others can’t even bare to look at an enema bag, but whichever side of the fence you are on, there are some undeniable benefits to doing enemas. The main, original aim of an enema is to soften the waste in your colon as the liquid essentially causes muscle contractions in your to help break down and….clear you out. :/

Enemas have been used for centuries to treat bowel issues and constipation, but the benefits are reported to go far beyond that. Depending on what ingredient you use, you can bring you different benefits, reported to range from clear skin to a stronger immune system.

Some of the reported benefits of enemas;

  • Consipation

  • Bowel cleansing

  • Detoxifying the liver

  • Improving circulation

  • Boost energy

  • Pain relief

  • Help skin issues

  • Paristise cleanse - yup! More on this another day!

Personally I can attest to all of the above. After struggling with IBS for 10 years I chose to start doing enemas to help finally ditch the bloat and constipation, and it worked! The cancer fighting benefits are always just a bonus. ;) I have been doing coffee enemas 3-4 times a week for 2 years and it has had a really positive impacts on my overall health. To the point where, if you can belief it, I look forward to them!


Coffee enemas in particular have been used for decades to detox the body, and to even support cancer treatment, as an a essential part of The Gerson Therapy, which requires cancer patients to do multiple enemas a day!! It has been shown that the coffee (which is not your standard nescafé - but more on that later!) increase bile flow in your gut to help pull toxins out. The coffee also helps to detoxify the liver as it stimulates glutathione (the master antioxidant!) production way above normal levels. Glutathione is also helpful for boosting energy, supporting immune function and neutralising free radicals and excreting them from the body.

Enemas can be done at a clinic, but can also be done at home. How often you do a coffee enema will depend on you health situation, and should always be done with the support of a professional health practitioner if you have health conditions. This article is purely for education purposes and should not be taken as medical advice!

Right now onto the good stuff….


Coffee enemas are simple to do at home if you have all the right kit. A bucket is preferable as its the most durable option, but bags can be great for beginners as you can Like this one;


Use a stainless steel, glass or ceramic pan for boiling water.

900ml distilled/filtered water

3 tbsp of Coffee - this is the one I use


  • Boil the coffee for 5 minutes in 900ml of water with the pan lid off.

  • Simmer for 15 minutes with the pan lid on.

  • Allow to cool to body temperature (do not do it with hot water for gods sake! Ouch!)

  • Top up any water that has been lost to make up 900ml. Holding some water back initially and then topping it up to 900ml with cool water can be a good way to cool it down faster.

    • You can also pop the liquid in the fridge for a while to cool it down too.

  • Filter the coffee through a sieve or cloth bag.


Firstly ensure you are hydrated, and make sure you have access to clean water to drink afterwards! Aim to do you enema in the morning, after your first bowel movement so you are not too full,and try and refrain from eating for at least half and hour before and eat light, (unless you have low blood sugar) for the same reason.

  • Get yourself on the floor, (close to your toilet!) with your bucket or bag placed higher up than you, on a chair, or up on a cabinet, at least 18inches about your body is ideal.

  • Put some coconut oil on the nozzle and insert the tube (not as scary as it sounds, I promise!) about 2 inches, and slowly release the coffee.

  • Lie on your right hand side, preferably in a foetal position and relax - if you can! ;) Put on some calming music, mediate, or just chill, but try to limit stimulation.

  • Hold for 10-15 minutes and then….release it. Make sure you stay close to a toilet for a while after incase you need to release more.

    • It is thought that in those 10-15 minutes, the blood circulates through the liver 4-5 times!


Now go about your business and HYDRATE!!

After and emena it is best to give you gut a chance to settle and refrain from eating for a few hours, then when you do eat make it something light and easy to digest. Don’t go to town on burgers and pizzas, best to opt for gentle foods like soups, steamed veg


  • Your first time might feel a bit crampy…that’s normal! There may be a lot of build up in there.

  • Giving you belly a gentle massage whilst your holding the enema can help to dislodge some stuff if you struggling.

  • Go at your own pace, if you can only hold it for 5 minutes, which may be the case in the early day, go with it. If you body wants to let it go, give it a second, if it passes great, if it doesn't let that shit go.

  • Rumbles and gurgles are normal.

  • Start with a lower dose of coffee, especially if you are not a caffeine drinker, and build up over time. No rush to be smashing 3 tbsp, do whatever your body can handle.

Just to reiterate again, this is purely for education and curiosity purposes. Methods and equipment list has been advised by practitioners and is tried and tested by myself. HOWEVER if you are working with a health condition this should only be done with the support and guidence of a health professional. Once again, this is not medical advice.

Having said that, i’m always happy to share the enema love so always feel free to get in contact to discuss more!

Love Lea xx


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