
The second Full Moon of October occurs on 31st, and sits within the sign of Taurus. It’s the hunters moon, a blue moon, and its halloween, so get ready. Happening on what is already a big time of heightened connection to the other side, when the veil is thinner between us and the spirit world, this full moon is a loud one, and you will no doubt be feeling the affects already.

The blue moon is a time to deepen our connection to our intuition, so it is the perfect time for some real heavy soul healing and strengthen those psychic abilities of ours, especially with it falling on halloween. It is a time to ask ourselves those deep and meaningful’s, have really tough conversations with ourselves, and as usual, on any full moon it is our monthly opportunitie to let some stuff go that isn’t going to serve you during this period, to check in with our intentions and goals we set on the new moon, and see where we need to shift to make things happen.

Siting next to the revolutionary and transformative planet of Uranus, this moon brings with it the chance of unexpected disruptions and distractions, and a whole lot of noise. It can bring a sense of wanting to try something new and get loud about issues that mean something to us. But the energy of Taurus adds a sense of grounding and practicality, and holds space for us to really do all our letting go with a sense of calm if we harness that energy.

The sun sitting opposite in Scorpio also adds another element to this already conflicted full moon. It faces off the soft, earthy, practical and relationship orientated Taurus with the intensely passionate and fierce Scorpio, so you might feel a bit on a pull between two extremes. Make sure if you are feeling called to speak out, or to make drastic changes you take a minute and get grounded to make sure you are doing so from a good place.

All in all, this is big time for transformations. Reflecting not only the transform within you, but also the world around us. Things are coming to a head and we are being asked to really focus for the rest of this year. Use this intensity, to really get yourself ready to make those changes you want, and find your voice to advocate for causes close to your heart for the rest of the year.


Taurus is connected to our heart chakra which is signified by the colour green, it is also an earth sign which deepens the earth greens and connection to nature, but it is also ruled by the planet Venus so soft and sensual is the underlying tone to this sign.

  • Use blues and greens in your candles and decorations.

  • Move some plants into your space or add blue flowers to your smudge sticks to bring in the colour

  • Use softer fabrics to surround your space, and soft lighting.

  • This is a great time to do a self massage ritual, using earth scents and tones. See herbal recommendations below.

Practice a grounding meditation of a body scan to really connect with yourself and ground yourself to where you are.


  • JADE - carries the energy of the Earth & nature, providing a wholesome, nurturing energy that uplifts & soothes the heart. It helps you create, by drawing abundance of nature into your life

  • ROSE QUARTZ - General love stone, supports deeper connection to self, & relationships with others. Helps you resolve past hurts an fall in love with life

  • PETRIFIED WOOD - for grounding energy. Known for transformation, it encourages perseverance whilst you’re shifting & seeking a different path. It’s calming & nurturing & supports in healing ancestral trauma

  • SMOKEY QUARTZ - A general grounding stone. Helps clear negative energies from the environment an helps integrate insights from higher vibrations

  • JASPER - Jaspers have a grounding, stabilising effect & connect you with Earth energy.

Place crystals around you, or hold them in your palms as you meditate.


Earthy, woody herbs words best for Taurus with the addition of some soft florals to enhance the Venus energy…

  • Dandelion Root

  • Ginger

  • Sage

  • Thyme

  • Sandalwood

and floral herbs like -

  • Violet

  • Marsh mallow

  • Hibiscus

  • Rose

  • Jasmine

Use these herbs in teas, in your bath, or as essential oils during your moon ceremony.



Where do I need more stability in my life?

Where do I need to take more practical action?

Where am I able to offer my support right now?

In what areas of my life could I use more grounding?

How can I practice some self love?

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